There’s no doubt he’s inspirational.
Not to mention wildly successful. He’s the founder of several companies that earn approximately $5 billion in annual sales.
And he knows what it’s like to overcome hardship.
He says his home life was “chaotic” and “abusive”. He left home at 17 and never returned, nor did he go to college.
His mother wanted him to become a truck driver so he’d earn twice as much as his father, but he wanted to help people. And he’s managed to help some pretty successful people including Oprah, Leonardo DiCaprio and Bill Clinton.
He’s also written six internationally bestselling books and empowered millions of people from 100 countries through his training programs.
And of course, he’s coming to Vancouver and Toronto soon too!
So in honour of his visit, and to inspire you to succeed too, we’ve pulled together some of our favourite Tony Robbins quotes.
We hope they give you the inspiration you need to change your life.
5 Tony Robbins Quotes to Inspire Success
Dream Out Loud
You know what you need to do now, right? You need to dream.
Dream of the success you can create. Dream of the business you can build.
Dream of the new life you’ll live.
That’s what Tony would want. And he’d know – just as we do – that you have the power to make those dreams a reality.
You just need to believe in yourself. And then put your plans into action.
Tell yourself you can do it, and watch things fall into place.