9351 Beckwith Road


TOP LOCATION, 9351 ( this asking is only for 9351 Beckwith Road, 9371 Beckwith Road next to 9351 Beckwith Road is Exclusive Listing) and 9351 and 9371 Beckwith Road totalling approx. 39,000 Sq. Ft. in Total Land Size. Both properties have to sell together. Measurements are approximate, Buyer or Buyer Realtor to measure if important.
System ID - SystemID
Area - Area
List Price - ListPrice
Address Number - AddrNumber
Address Street - AddrStreet
City - City
Province - Province
Postal Code - PostalCode
List Sales Rep 1 - LstAgt1
List Firm 1 Code - Firm1Code
List Sales Rep 2 - List2PubID
List Firm 2 Code - List2PubI1
List Sales Rep 3 - List3PubID
List Date - ListDate
Legal Description - LegalDesc
Last Trans Date - LastTrDate
Photo Count - PhotoCount
PhotoTimestamp - PhotoDate
ML # - MLNo
Street Designation - StreetDesg
Address - Address
Status - Status
Price Per SQFT - PriPerSQFT
Sub-Area/Community - SOrA
Short Region Code - BoardID
Title to Land - TitletoLnd
Property Disclosure - PrDsclYOrN
Zoning - Zoning
For Tax Year - ForTaxYr
Frontage - Feet - FrontageFt
Frontage - Metres - FrontMetre
Potential for Rezoning? - Rezone
Sketch Attached? - SktchAtch
Trees(Logged in last 2yr) - Trees
Prop Type - PropType
Measurement Type - MeasType
Sanitary Sewer - SanitrySwr
Storm Sewer - StormSwr
Electricity - Electricty
Natural Gas - NaturalGas
Telephone Service - PhoneServ
Access to Property - AccestoPrp
Depth - Depth
Water Supply - WtrSupply
Prev Commission - PrevComm
P.I.D.# - PID
Lot Sz (Sq.Ft.) - LotSzSF
Lot Sz (Acres) - LotSzA
Lot Sz (Sq.Mtrs.) - LotSzSqMtr
Lot Sz (Hectares) - LotSzH
Gross Taxes - GrossTax
Virtual Tour URL - VirtlTrURL
Cable Service - CableServc
Restrictions - Restrictns
Public Remarks - PublicRmrk
Internet Remarks - IntRemrks
LA1Agent Logon Name - LA1LogonNm
LA1Agent Phone1 Number - LA1Phn1Nbr
LA1Agent Email - LA1Email
LA1Agent Full Name - LA1AgntFNm
LO1Office Abbreviation - LO1OfcAbrv
LO1Office Name - LO1OfcName
LO1Office Phone1 Number - LO1Phn1Nbr
LO1Office Url - LO1Url
Pub Listing on Internet - VOWIncl
Display Addr on Internet - VOWAddr
Broker Reciprocity - INOK
List Firm 3 Code - LstRlt3OID
Expiry Date - ExpDate
Original Price - OrigPrice
Sold Date - SoldDate
Sold Price - SoldPrice
Cumulative DOM - CDOM
Region - RD
Prop Disclosure Statement - PropDiscl
Commission - Commission
Prev Price - PrevPrice
Perc Test Date - PercTestDt
Bldg Permit Approved? - BldgPrmtAp
Info Package Available? - InfoPkgAvl
Development Permit? - DevPermit
Permitted Land Use - LandUse
Prop in Lnd Reserve?(ALR) - ALR
Prospectus - Prospectus
Building Plans - BldgPlans
Sign on Property? - SignonProp
Front Dir Exposure - FrntDrxpsr
Type - Type
Entry Date - EntryDate
Cumulative DOMLS - CDOMLS
Land Lease Expiry Year - LndLseExpr
Sold Price per SqFt - SPSqft
SP/LP Ratio - SPrLPRatio
SP/OLP Ratio - SPrOLPRati
Adjustment Date - AdjDate

MLS® # R2785593
Beds 0
Lot Size 21,780 SqFt.
Taxes $15,270.38 in 2018


Vikas Anand

Personal Real Estate Corporation
RE/MAX Westcoast
[email protected]